

What is the internet ?

 What is the internet ?

 Internet, Describing history

The Internet is the most commonly used term in today’s world and plays a very important role in the everyday life of people. But there are many questions, answers to which people need to know. In this article, we shall help you find answers to these questions; discuss the evolution of the Internet, its usage, benefits, history and how the Internet works. 

In terms of Computer Awareness, the Internet is one of the most important topics in competitive exams. Thus, candidates preparing for exams like Banking, Insurance, SSC, etc. must read on to learn more about the Internet. 

For other important terms and software involved with Computer, candidates can check the Computer Knowledge page. 

 Evaluating the history of the internet 

The Internet completely revolutionized communication and technology across the Globe. Initially, computerized devices were only used for large industries but later its usage increased massively.

It is also mandatory for people to know that it is not possible for a single person to develop something as broad and wide as the Internet all by himself/herself. It was a combined effort of multiple researchers and programmers that the Internet was discovered. 

Given below are a few important points which played an extremely important role in the development of the Internet and making it one of the most widely used resources across the world. 

  • The first development was the introduction of host-to-host network interactions. This was first observed in ARPANET in 1969. It was developed by Advanced Research Projects Agency (APRA) of the Department of Defence, U.S. It was one of the first general usage of computer networks.
  • Next step was commercializing the usage and making the transistors and transmitters fit in smaller devices for convenient Internet usage for the public. This was introduced in the 1970s
  • Moving forward, satellites and wireless communication was the main target. Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (formerly ARPA), supported satellite-based radio packets for mobile usage of networks.
  • The next was the development of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). This enabled different machines and networks across the world to assemble data packets. It was in the 1980s that the TCP/IP approach was adapted by researchers and technologists, following the footsteps of the U.S. Department of Defence.
  • With the introduction of personal computers, the demand for commercial Internet usage increased. This was the time when Ethernet and other Local Area Networks cam in the foreground
  • In 1993, the web browser was introduced, which followed the point-and-click approach and is now a widely used operation for Internet users
  • The late 1990s was the time when thousands of Internet Service Providers has taken up the market and most of them were from the U.S.
  • And then the 21st century brought in an amalgamation of technology and wireless Internet accessibility for its users. Wherein, wireless broadband services came in as a boon for Internet users

Amid all these developments which were made, a lot of successes and failures came in but today, the Internet is one such commodity which has made lives easier and brought in a wider pace for development across the globe.

Since Computer Awareness is an important topic from the Government examination point of view, candidates can get a more understandable explanation of the Internet and its various aspects by reviewing the video given below.

Ways To Connect To Internet

The different ways in which one can connect to the Internet are discussed below in brief:

  • Dial-Up – In such connections, users are required to link their phone line to a computer to access the Internet. Under this connection, the user cannot make or receive phone calls through tier home phone service.
  • Broadband – Provided either through cable or phone companies, Broadband is a high-speed internet connection which is widely used today

  • Wireless Connection – Wi-fi and Mobile service providers fall under this category. Internet connectivity is made via radio waves and the Internet can be connected anywhere, irrespective of the location. Given below are a few examples of wireless connection:
    • Wi-Fi – Wireless Fidelity or Wi-Fi allows high-speed internet connectivity without the use of wires
    • Mobile Phones – All smartphones are now equipped with an option for Internet connectivity which can be availed using Internet vouchers and packs. No external connection or wire is required for these.
    • Satellite – Where broadband connections are unavailable, satellites are used for wireless Internet connectivity
    • Integrated Services Digital Network – ISDN allows users to sent audio or video data using telephone lines.

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