

bing vs Google

Bing came too late in the battle against Google search.
Google already had a 90% market share around the world when Bing launched. Everyone was already happy with the results provided by Google.

The phrase "Google it" shows that Google is the standard for online search.

A lot of people said: why switch to Bing when I'm happy with Google?

Then I heard many complain about the lack of results on Bing. Many consider Google to be more complete. I think that's a fact.

Google has also cleverly locked in its hegemonic leadership position with various initiatives .
> Agreement with Apple making Google the search engine for all the brand's products. 
> Google pays $8 to 12 billion a year for this. A DOJ survey reveals that this leads to almost half of Google's search volumes.
> Creation of Chrome to have another entry point to highlight Google Search.
> Creation of Android to promote Google search on the Android smartphones that > > were going to dominate the world.
All this prevented the competition from really endangering Google's hegemony.
Bing Vs Google 2021: How Do They Compare?
While they both serve a similar purpose, these search engines have notable differences. Moreso when you consider how they present search results and in their operation. Even then, the two search engines offer users paid advertising and adhere to very similar ranking principles, consider sites’ technical health, backlinks, and so on.

However, when you search for the same phrase in each of them, you’ll get considerably different organic results. With that in mind, next, we will explore features that differentiate Bing from Google.

Bing vs Google: Technical SEO
Different technical factors have been explained in both Bing and Google’s ranking algorithms, from site speed to mobile-friendliness.

Therefore, as you invest in optimizing the behind-the-scenes site structure and its on-page technical SEO. It then means that you are bound to get positive search results on both Bing and Google. Even then, there are a few discrepancies between these factors that many consider as being important.

When you’re implementing permanent SEO redirects, consider using 301 redirects over temporary 302 redirects. That’s because applying 302 redirects will sometimes lead to indexing issues on Google.

However, with Bing’s system, this works. This is since it automatically will interpret a 302 redirect like a 301 after it’s been crawled several times. Therefore, 302 redirects are not likely to result in any issues with Bing.

Despite this, you can ensure that your site is optimized for both Google and Bing, so you must avoid using 302 redirects in instances where a permanent redirect is needed.

Different Ranking Factors
While Google and Bing have many similarities in their SEO ranking factors, there are major differences. This applies when it concerns the weighting applied for certain ranking factors in comparing Google and Bing results. 

Although, you won’t have to overhaul your whole website for you to optimize it for Bing. Even then, there are a few tweaks you could make to guarantee that your website ranks highly on both search engines.

Bing vs Google: Organic Search
Bing and Google use entirely different algorithms. They however aim to locate content that’s the best fit for the needs of users. This means that significant overlap will exist as you optimize for both Bing and Google. Meaning that brands have to primarily focus on creating high-quality content. And this reflects the needs and interests of their targeted audience.

Bing has a preference for established content that’s gained lots of traffic or has been live for a while. Also, this preference is evident in how Bing favours top-level official domains like .edu or .gov. On the contrary, Google regards popular or even commercial websites just as valuable.

Even though you can’t optimize your website for both search engines based on these preferences, it’s essential that you compare their results. That’s because your website might be a preferred choice by one of these search engine’s processes of ranking. That’s thanks to its type of domain.

When you think about search engines, the first thing that might come to your mind is Google. However, there are many different search engines from around the world such as Baidu (China) and Yandex (Russia) among others. In this review, we will be taking an in-depth look at the Bing vs Google main features that each search engine offers.

Fortunately, search engines have transformed how people try to find their information. While all search engines feel and look similar they, however, aren’t. It’s without a doubt that Google and Bing are the most renowned search engines across the world. 

So far, many western countries have adopted Google as their preferred search engine. This doesn’t mean that Bing is less worth your time. As such, Bing has invested much effort to keep up with this big giant. 

However, is the Microsoft search engine advanced enough that it poses a huge threat to Google? Let’s find out.

Introducing the Contenders
Is Bing Better Than Google?
How Do They Compare?
Pros and cons – Bing vs Google
Which is Better – Google or Bing?
Introducing the Contenders
You may be familiar with these two search engines, but as a refresher, let’s look at what they are.

About Bing
Bing.com search engine was created by Microsoft and originally in 2006. It was known as Windows Live Search before it got a full rebranding in 2009 to Bing. Initially, Windows Live Search was launched to compete against Google’s search engine.

Bing search screenshot Emmy Awards
After Bing was launched, their initial and big update was called “Tiger”. And this introduced their initial indexing technology. It’s worth noting that when compared to Google, Bing.com does not frequently update their algorithm. This is crucial because a change in the algorithm can affect your website’s ranking. Thus such changes should be made accordingly. 

About Google 
This search engine was created in 1998 by a search firm, with the main focus being on analyzing backlinks authority. With time Google has grown to offer more than 50 internet services. And today, it’s used by 70 percent of the world in doing their internet searches.

Google search screenshot emmy awards
Its initial service (i.e. backlinks) has helped propel Google to where it is today, the industry leader. When compared to Bing, Google changes its algorithm more frequently. This ranges from huge updates to small changes. As a result, this ensures that Google’s search engine page remains the best it can be.

Is Bing Better Than Google?
If you’re considering the basic search results, both sites have a similar look and feel. Other than the logo and font on top of the pages, it’s easy to confuse between the two. Some main differences between the two search engines include:

Bing offers users more autocomplete suggestions compared to what Google does. Bing offers users eight while Google offers four. This is mostly useful if you use autocomplete to search for alternative products or when searching for wildcard suggestions.
Compared to Google, Bing has a significantly better video search. This is a huge difference between these two search engines. Rather than give you a list of videos highlighted by small thumbnails, it offers you a list of large thumbnails. And this allows you to play the videos without leaving Bing. As regards other videos, it’ll provide you with a preview when you hover over.
Google has better shopping suggestions that show up frequently compared to what Bing offers. So if you’re searching for specific stores that offer certain products or sites with the best prices online, then Google is better for you.
Bing places related images and searches on the right side of your online search results, whereas Google places them at the bottom. Note that this is just a difference and may not necessarily be a good or even a bad thing.
Google has an Image Search interface that feels much smoother as you use it. Although Bing offers one to two additional advanced options such as “Layout” (that allows you to search for landscape or portrait images). Also, Bing has an image search that allows you to remove specific parts of your chosen search terms with one click. That’s amazing, right?
Smart Search in Bing
Also, Bing has adopted most “smart searches” used by Google, such as unit conversions, movie showtimes, local weather, or information about prominent people. Much of these things are remarkably similar for both, however, Google offers a few more things than Bing.

search result restaurants near me google
Some things that Bing offers include movie and video games release dates, and health info. So, if you rely on smart searches, then opt for Google. (With the exception that if you’re in search of flights, Bing has a smart feature that can predict whether prices for a ticket will increase or dip.)

Such competition is healthy, as it prompts companies to improve their provision of services. It also helps businesses come up with ways that make them stand out in the industry.

Also, competition helps drive technological progress and innovation. This is largely because of the strong competition between Google and Bing. This often emerges when comparing one against the other. In a competitive climate, differentiation helps brands stand out above the rest in the industry and survive

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